The wastes beyond are filled with white sand, blasted by the stars which fall by moonlight. Here in the ruins of a tower shattered decades ago, at the edge of the unknowable reaches, the journey seems to...
I don't know how many times I've drawn myself in any kind of authentic way. I don't think it's a large number. There is a child-version of me snuck...
This is the first of a new series I am working on featuring monsters. I have been feeling pretty burned out lately, and it takes a heck of a lot of time to put a painting together...
this space intentionally left blank...
The curtain pulls back, and there's no show to be seen.
🐚I painted Intermission in two parts. The first step was in March of last year, and in that version I had a very bland...
There is a well somewhere in the hills, but it cannot be used to get water....